Keyword Research for SEO

28-12-17 Course- SEO

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process for finding valuable keywords for your website Suppose that you have an online shopping website, you have to get a leather jacket for clothing related to men, women's winter clothes etc.

If your keyword has 7 or fewer 7 digits traffic, then this keyword gets a simple rank on search engines, but if the keyword has more than 8 digits of traffic, then it is difficult to get a rank on search engines.

Select long tail keywords for immediate results, usually long tail keywords get a fast rank on search engines. for example; Long tail keyword is the best SEO tutorial for seo tutorials in beginners and simple ways.

How to check traffic on keywords?

There are two ways to find traffic on any keyword

  • Check direct search keywords and traffic on search engines
  • Using the AdWords Keyword Planner

AdWords Keyword Planner

Keyword Planner: You can easily get traffic on any keyword, it also gives you ideas about minimum, medium, or high traffic about your keyword. Keyword Planner can also help you choose competitive bidding and budget with your campaigns. This tool is provided by Google and it's free for everyone

The main advantage of using this tool is that you can find many keywords at a time and get trophies on all keywords.

Adwords keyword planner

Adwords keyword planner